Cost Of Living Increases Mean More Idahoans Could Qualify For Food Assistance
A change in income guidelines means more Idahoans could qualify for food assistance through the WIC program.
The supplemental nutrition program Women, Infants and Children, or WIC provides certain foods to pregnant or breastfeeding moms and families with children under age five. Starting July 1, a cost-of-living adjustment goes into effect.
The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare says WIC recipients get about $54 worth of food each month. The Department reports there are currently 43,200 Idahoans signed up for the program. Thatās a decline in recent years.
Eligibility is income-based. The applicantās gross income should be at or below 185 percent of poverty. Under the new income guidelines, a family of three can earn up to $36,131 a year to qualify for assistance. Thatās up from $35,317 in 2012.
Click here for more information about WIC.