Gov. Otter’s Budget Chief Resigns To Take Lobbying Job

Courtesy Idaho Reports / Idaho Public Television
Wayne Hammon is a frequent guest on Idaho Public Television's Idaho Reports.
Wayne Hammon has been at the helm of the Division of Financial Management for the last five and a half years.
As the Spokesman Review’s Eye On Boise blog reports, Hammon is resigning, effective September 28.
Hammon writes in his resignation letter he’s been honored to serve as budget chief:
“It is with strong emotion and immense gratitude that I write to express my thanks for the opportunity to serve in your cabinet these last five and a half years.
During this time and with your leadership, DFM has been able to help the State weather the largest economic challenges of a generation while simultaneously advancing improvements to state operations and improving customer service to its citizens; reduced the size of government and its burden on the taxpayers; and place Idaho in a position of strength on the road to recovery.
I have been honored to help play a role in this. Even more so, I have been honored and humbled by the faith and support you have continued to show in my work and that of my staff.
After serving as DFM Administrator longer than any of my predecessors, it is now time for me to move on. I have accepted a position outside state government and accordingly do hereby submit my resignation effective close of business on Friday, September 28, 2012.
I leave DFM stronger than I found it with a well-trained and dedicated staff of professionals ready and willing to advance the causes of good government on any front. I am proud of my DFM team and believe that they will continue to serve the State with honor long after my departure.
Words cannot express how much I have appreciated working with and learning from you. I am proud to have been associated with your administration and wish you well as you continue to serve the people of this great state.” – Wayne Hammon
Betsy Russell reports Hammon is leaving DFM to “become executive director of the Idaho Associated General Contractors.”
UPDATE: Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter has named DFM deputy administrator David Fulkerson as interim administrator during the search for Hammon’s replacement.