
Putting Education Reform To The Test



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StudentsFirst Asks Florida Allies To Hit The Blogs, Win A Gift Card

Bob Sikes over at Scathing Purple Musings got his hands on an email from Florida’s StudentsFirst rep urging allies to get out and comment on blogs. The email from StudentsFirst regional outreach manager Catherine Robinson says there’s a contest for the best “rapid response” and included links to some recent stories. The winner gets a […]

Ad Compares U.S. Schools To Pudgy, Flailing Olympic Athlete

The Olympics kick off in London today (yes, soccer kicked off a couple days ago), and former D.C. schools chancellor Michelle Rhee’s StudentsFirst is out with an Olympics-themed ad criticizing the U.S. education system. The ad shows a chubby man ineptly competing in rhythmic gymnastics while a commentator observes “the once-proud U.S. program has been […]

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