
Putting Education Reform To The Test

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How A Florida Program Is Fighting Learning Loss

We’ve heard about how kids tend to forget a lot of what they learn in school when they’re away from the classroom for a few months. But a Florida program is making sure learning doesn’t stop just because kids are out of class. A new report shows how afterschool and summer programs in Florida can […]

Jeb Bush Taking Florida Education Ideas Nationwide

Indiana education superintendent Tony Bennett was new to office and looking to make dramatic changes to his state’s schools. The biggest? Require third graders pass a state reading test or get held back. But the state lawmakers were hesitant. So Bennett and Gov. Mitch Daniels, both Republican, called in some help: Former Florida Gov. Jeb […]

Feedback Loop: Parents Say Their Kids Are Fed Up With FCAT

As parents of 3rd graders grapple with the release of FCAT reading results — an additional 4,000 students are at risk of being held back — parents of students in other grades know how will it affect their kids. Many, such as Maldebot, wrote to say their children were discouraged. What can I do ? […]

Feedback Loop: Writing About Reading Requirements

Students will find out in June if they’ll be required to take an extra hour of reading instruction next school year because of low Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. But we didn’t have to wait long to get your reaction to the new law. Jose likes the idea, citing the benefits of additional class time in […]

Extra Class Time For Florida’s Low Performing Schools

Florida elementary schools that don’t perform up to par in reading will have an extra hour tacked on to their day. A new law that goes in to effect this summer will target the worst 100 performers. Schools getting the extra class time will be determined based on reading scores from the Florida Comprehensive Assessment […]

New York Pulls “The Hare and the Pineapple” From State Reading Test

The New York education department took the unusual step of releasing a state reading test section last week after Internet buzz about the confusing passage and questions built to a roar. The passage was called the “Hare and the Pineapple,” and was authored by children’s author Daniel Pinkwater. Typically test questions are not released to […]

High Tech Orlando Reading Program Helps Those Struggling Most

A screenshot of Letters Alive in action. Reading teacher Audra Cervi says kids pay attention to their reading lesson when the letter ‘J’ turns into a jumping, blue 3-D jaguar. Cervi places a flash card with the letter J under a special camera. Across the room a jaguar springs to life on an electronic screen. […]

Florida Schools Chief Says New Grade Proposals Under Review

Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson says the state may not include schools that specialize in students with disabilities in the new school grading formula now under discussion. “One simulation, for example,” Robinson said in a statement released Thursday afternoon, “includes grading all schools that serve students with disabilities; however, we are reviewing alternative options for schools […]

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