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How A Federal Program Will Help Florida Schools Go Wireless

Curtis Lanoue teaches music in a trailer behind Oliver Hoover Elementary School in Miami. His colleagues have interactive smart boards in their classrooms. Those are like 21st-Century chalk boards that can can plug into the school’s network — and the Internet. Elle Moxley / StateImpact Indiana Schools are switching to mobile carts like this, loaded […]

Scott, Lawmakers Making School Technology A Budget Priority

The chairman of the Senate’s Education Committee said Gov. Rick Scott and lawmakers want to spend at least $40 million, and likely more, to upgrade school Internet capacity and add new computers, tablets and other digital tools. Sen. John Legg, R-Port Richey, said education technology is a priority for Scott and both Republican and Democratic […]

Why Foundations Must Help Florida Schools Make The Digital Switch

Sarasota County school could not have renovated 50 classrooms and stuffed them with high-tech learning tools without the help of the Gulf Coast Community Foundation. The foundation saw a need to improve science, technology, math and engineering education, or STEM, in Sarasota and Charlotte counties, says Chris Pfahler, who manages the foundation’s STEMsmart program. So […]

A Digital Divide Between State Board And Lawmakers’ Education Budget

A Florida Senate budget proposal includes money for teacher raises, but the State Board of Education is worried the spending plan does not set aside enough money to expand Internet access at state schools. The Senate budget proposal unveiled Wednesday sets aside $76 million to expand Internet access at state schools. The Florida Department of […]

Proposed Senate Education Budget Includes Teacher Performance Pay

A Quinnipiac University poll released today finds Florida voters approve of one of Gov. Rick Scott’s top budget priorities. Nearly three-quarters of respondents like his proposal to give $2,500 raises to the state’s public school teachers. Legislative leaders like the idea of more money for teachers — but not necessarily across-the-board raises. The Senate Appropriations […]

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