
Putting Education Reform To The Test


Stories about students and the initiatives designed to improve performance. Are the many education reforms Florida has adopted having an impact?

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Feedback Loop: Sounding Off About Bullies

This week’s story about a pair of brothers who felt bullied in their schools sounded familiar to a few StateImpact Florida readers. Parents said they had pulled their children from school because of a threat or fear of bullying. Adults said the story took them right back to school hallways where they were treated similarly […]

Superheroes Want To Rescue Florida Science Education

Editor’s note: This post was written by WUSF’s Mark Schreiner. Sam DuPont and Audrey Buttice were once mild-mannered USF Ph.D. students. As part of a National Science Foundation-funded fellowship program, they’d visit elementary schools around the Tampa area and do science demonstrations. But they thought that they could reach more students by videotaping their work—they just needed a hook. DuPont says they found […]

Federal Report Says Charter Schools Enroll Fewer Students With Disabilities

Charter schools enroll fewer students with disabilities than traditional public schools, according to a new U.S. Government Accountability Office report. The report’s conclusions echo our investigative story from last year that found 86 percent of Florida charter schools do not enroll any children with profound disabilities — compared to more than half of district schools […]

U.S. Students Show Shallow Understanding On National Science Exam

Most U.S. students can draw the correct conclusions from a science experiment, but fewer students were able to defend those findings with data. Those are the conclusions from the first-ever National Assessment of Education Progress science exam that added both hands-on experiments and computer exercises to test 2,000 4th, 8th and 12th graders across the […]

Federal Immigration Order Brings Relief For Florida Students

Young immigrant rights activists in Miami are celebrating and breathing a sigh of relief. President Barack Obama announced that undocumented young people in the U.S. will no longer have to fear deportation. His executive order applies to immigrants under 30 who got here before they were 16 years old. Immigration has long been a contentious […]

The Problem With The FCAT Is The ‘Frenzy’

The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test is a “perfectly reasonable” way to gauge students in reading, writing and math, Orlando Sentinel columnist Beth Kassab writes. But the system breaks down because of ‘FCAT frenzy’ and the anxiety school districts create with extra drills, pep rallies and other events which ratchet up the pressure on students. Nearly […]

A Q&A With Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush

When former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush speaks in other states about education, he points to policies he championed while in office. Bush recently spoke with StateImpact Florida about his role in the national education debate, why Republicans and Democrats can find common ground on education and what he’s learned . Q: Governor, how do you […]

Florida’s First Lady Kicks Off Summer Reading Challenge

Florida first lady Ann Scott likes to read. She’s trying to get more kids reading, too. Friday morning at the Tallahassee Museum, she helped kick off the 2012 Summer Literacy Adventure. The program is designed to get kids interested in reading and keep them motivated to read all year. Scott told an audience of museum […]

What Students, Teachers do During the Final Days of Class

Florida students have already taken all the big tests. They’ve finished their homework. But some students are still in school. So what do teachers and students do during the final days of class? Educators throughout Florida say teaching should be going on every day students are in school. But students say that isn’t usually what […]

Florida Outpaces Nation In Hispanic Graduates

Florida’s Hispanic students are more likely to graduate high school than most states, according to a new report from Education Week. Education Week looked at data from 2009. The report, Diplomas Count 2012, finds that Florida’s Hispanic graduation rate is 9.6 percentage points higher than the national average and ranks second in the nation. Florida’s […]

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