
Putting Education Reform To The Test


Stories about students and the initiatives designed to improve performance. Are the many education reforms Florida has adopted having an impact?

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What Florida’s Next Standardized Test Will Look Like

Fed up with FCAT? Well now you can get a peek at the test which will replace it. The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, or PARCC, has released the first batch of sample questions tied to the new exams. Florida is starting the transition to the new Common Core standards and […]

The Florida Districts Most Likely to Seclude Or Restrain Students

Leon County schools led the state in the number of students put into seclusion for behavior or safety reason in 2012, according to Florida Department of Education data. Leon County schools used seclusion almost twice as often as the next district on the list, Pinellas County schools. Orange and Hillsborough county schools were most likely […]

Education Will Get Some Attention At The Republican National Convention

The 2012 presidential campaign has focused more on the economy, jobs and national debt than education. One reason is that President Barack Obama and presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney differ more on other issues than they do on education. And unlike in 2008, education advocates are not spending millions to promote the issue. But education […]

Undocumented Immigrant Students Line Up To Apply For Temporary Status

More than 140,000 Florida undocumented students can now apply for a temporary work visa and a stay from deportation. Both are part of a new federal initiative which makes its easier for young immigrants to remain in the United States legally. President Barack Obama ordered the change a year and a half after the failure […]

Pirate Prep Helps New South Florida Middle Schoolers Make The Transition

Thousands of Florida students are leaving the comfort of elementary school this month for the intimidating world of middle school. For many, it will be a tough transition. They’ll go from being the older, wiser leaders on campus to being nervous rookies. Studies have suggested that middle schools, meant to be a gentle pathway into […]

Florida Keeps Two Sets Of Seclusion Data — And Why Neither May Tell The Full Story

Last week, we posted data we received from the Florida Department of Education on the instances of student seclusion and restraint in Florida schools. Readers chimed in saying they’ve seen different data. And we’ve figured out why. The Florida Department of Education keeps two sets of student seclusion and restraint data. Every incident is supposed […]

No Summer School Means Some Students Repeat a Grade This Fall

Last year, Luis Gonzalez failed freshman English, Algebra and Physical Science. When he starts school later this month, he’ll still be considered a freshman. His school has a different name for it. “They call it a ‘fresh-more,’” he said. “By years I’m a sophomore. But I’m going to have freshman classes.” Gonzalez thought he could […]

Seminole County Students Can Choose Online Classes To Fit Their Schedule

Here’s a benefit to online classes you may not have considered: Sleeping in. Seminole County high school students can opt out of early morning courses and take a class or two online later in the day. Others can opt for a mix of home schooling and virtual school. The district is embracing change in an […]

Feedback Loop: Breaking The Cell Phone Addiction

Last week we told you about the giant temptation facing Florida students: Itchy texting fingers. Many teachers and principals grew up without the devices. But those who have lived their whole lives plugged in say they think about Facebook constantly. Students don’t like to be cut off from their phones during class. A researcher argues […]

Many Florida Schools Use Seclusion Rooms For Students With Disabilities

Editor’s note: We’ve followed up this post answering some questions about the data raised by readers. Florida keeps two sets of seclusion data. State officials say school districts should record incidents of seclusion in both sets of data, but admit that it does not happen. As a result, Florida Department of Education spokeswoman Cheryl Etters […]

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