
Putting Education Reform To The Test


Stories about students and the initiatives designed to improve performance. Are the many education reforms Florida has adopted having an impact?

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Florida’s 13th Public University May Be Online Only

Does Florida need a 13th public university that would be devoted solely to online learning? The Florida Board of Governors (BOG), which oversees the state university system, is looking into it at a meeting today in Davie. The 2012 Florida Legislature provided funds to the BOG to hire a consulting firm that would study the […]

What’s Required In Florida School Safety Plans

A shooter entered a Connecticut school and opened fire Friday. While details are still emerging, it’s worth looking at what Florida schools must do to prepare for an on-campus emergency. The Florida Department of Education has a statewide policy outlining how school’s should prepare and respond to an on-campus emergency. The policy was approved in […]

Is Gov. Scott’s Testing Proposal A Trojan Horse For Vouchers?

Teacher’s unions and critics of Florida’s various private school scholarship programs have long argued that students who received those scholarships should have to face the same scrutiny as public school students. That means taking the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test — or its upcoming successor — in order to make apples-to-apples comparisons between school performance. But […]

Governor Says Job Openings Show The Need For More STEM Graduates

The Governor’s Office is touting the rise in STEM-related job openings in Florida over the last year. Gov. Rick Scott is using the numbers to continue his push for more STEM degrees (science, technology, engineering, math). His office announced this week that job openings in science and tech fields have increased by nearly 14 percent […]

Report: College Remedial System Needs A Major Overhaul

A new report says college remedial education programs are not working, often have no bearing on a student’s field of study and should be scrapped. Instead, researchers from Complete College America argue, most students should have to take a set of core classes to prepare them for college. These courses should match up with the […]

2011-2012 Florida District Administrator Evaluations

The Florida Department of Education released some administrator evaluation data for the 2011-12 school year on Dec. 5. This is the first time the state has released data for the new administrator evaluations.

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