
Putting Education Reform To The Test


Stories about students and the initiatives designed to improve performance. Are the many education reforms Florida has adopted having an impact?

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Legislature Approves Creation Of An Institute For Online Degrees

The Florida House has unanimously passed a bill to create an online-only institute at an existing Florida university. “Florida is leading the charge on the digital revolution in higher education,” said House Speaker Will Weatherford. “We are taking the necessary steps to ensure our students will be ready to compete in the global marketplace.” Weatherford had […]

Meet StateImpact Florida’s Newest Reporter: Sammy Mack

Hi, StateImpact Florida audience. I’m Sammy. Nice to meet you. I’m thrilled to be the newest addition to the StateImpact Florida team—working closely with John O’Connor to bring you stories about the impact of education policies. I’m based out of the WLRN – Miami Herald Newsroom, where I’ve been working as an editor and health […]

Why The Florida Senate Wants To Change College Remedial Course Requirements

Shakira Lockett always got pretty good grades in school. That’s why she was surprised to find out she had failed her college placement exam at Miami Dade College. Lockett spent a year a half taking remedial classes in reading, writing and math before she could start earning credits toward a degree. She finished her studies […]

Why Some Schools Are Throwing Out The Old Grading System

Some Minnesota school districts have found that student scores on state standardized tests were not matching grades earned for classroom work, according to the St. Paul Pioneer-Press. To correct the problem, districts are switching to standards-based grading which ties student performance to what they are expected to know. Under the new system, students are allowed […]

What Common Core Standards Mean For Media Specialists

Sara LaBarbera is teaching 6th graders at Walker Middle School near Tampa how to research poets using an online library. One student, working on a series of questions about a Lewis Carroll poem, asks LaBarbera for help. He has the pieces, but doesn’t quite know how to put them together. LaBarbera knows how to ask […]

House Committee Approves Bill Creating Three High School Diploma Options

The House Education committee unanimously approved a bill creating three high school diploma options for Florida students. Students could choose from scholar, college and career and industry options. The scholar option requires high-level courses — such as Physics and foreign language — while the industry option lets students opt for professional training classes and certification. […]

House Speaker Says New Tests May Not Be Ready By Deadline

House Speaker Will Weatherford says Florida needs to be ready in case the test accompanying new education standards isn’t ready by a spring 2015 deadline. The standards, known as Common Core State Standards, are scheduled to be taught in every Florida grade beginning with the 2014-15 school year. The standards are a new way of […]

Why Florida Colleges Include Nursing As A STEM Job

Almost one-third of the bachelor’s degrees bestowed upon graduates from the Florida College System (FCS) are in STEM — science, technology, engineering and math — fields. More than half of those STEM-related degrees are in nursing, according to a Florida College System study that shows the economic boost Florida gets from its 28 state colleges. […]

How Florida Lawmakers Would Change High School Graduation Requirements

After years of adding requirements to earn a high school diploma, Florida lawmakers have proposed bills which would allow students more flexibility in how they earn a diploma. A House proposal (HB 7091) would create three diploma tracks: College and career; industry and scholar. All three diplomas require four years of English language arts. Students […]

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