
Putting Education Reform To The Test


Stories about students and the initiatives designed to improve performance. Are the many education reforms Florida has adopted having an impact?

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Parent University Provides A Lesson On New Common Core Standards

The small group of parents hovered over a list of words, deciding where to sort “cloud,” “photosynthesis,” and “google.”  They paid particular attention to words indicating facts, evidence or conclusions. Words such as analyze, convince or insight. Students will use these words to support their conclusions, analysis and opinions. “This is the key category,” said […]

“Do I Have The Discipline?” And Other Questions You Should Ask Before Signing Up For An Online Degree

Governor Rick Scott signed a broad-ranging education bill this session that—among many changes—establishes an entirely online bachelor’s degree program through the University of Florida. UF already has experience offering online courses and degree programs that allow students to finish the last two years of a bachelor’s degree online. But this is the first time a […]

A Parent’s Guide To How New Common Core Tests Are Different From FCAT

By now, most Florida parents have heard the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test is on its way out. But they might not know a whole lot about what’s replacing the FCAT. The most likely replacement is known as PARCC, or the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. Students are scheduled to begin […]

New Yorkers Sound Off On New State Exams

A professor at Teacher’s College, Columbia University has set up a website to allow New York students, parents and educators to post comments about the new state English language arts test. The tests are now tied to Common Core education standards adopted by 45 states — including Florida. New York students have been taking the […]

Corporal Punishment Will Return To Marion County Elementary Schools

The Marion school board has voted to reinstate paddling in county elementary schools after a three-year hiatus. The punishment comes with a few restrictions. From the Ocala Star-Banner: The board ruled that paddling can be used only if a parent gives a standing written OK once a year. In addition, the principal must obtain verbal […]

Common Core Defenders To Critics: Knock It Off, Guys

Knock it off. That’s the tone in a series of exasperated editorials aimed at critics of new education standards known as Common Core. Florida has been leading the consortium of 45 states who are developing Common Core standards for education. In the past few weeks, objections to the new national benchmarks—and the new standardized tests […]

Why Parents Could Get More Control Over Their Child’s Special Education Plan

Right now, schools determine whether to move a student into special education classes. But a proposed bill in Tallahassee would give parents of children with special needs more power over their education. Fort Lauderdale 6th grader Mariah Harris has Down syndrome, and she wants to be a veterinary technician. “My dream is to go to […]

How Florida High School Graduation Requirements Will Change in 2013-2014

Gov. Rick Scott is scheduled to sign an education bill which changes high school graduation requirements, expands career education options and creates new elementary and middle school computer training programs. The most significant change is to high school graduation requirements. For students beginning high school in the 2013-2014 school year, the bill will eliminate some […]

New York Students Struggle To Finish Common Core Tests In Time Allowed

New York students are struggling with redesigned tests tied to new education standards adopted by Florida and 44 other states, according to the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. New York schools are giving the new tests for the first time this week. A common complaint? Not enough time: Initial reports from around […]

Alabama, Kentucky and New York Set Own Course For Common Core Testing

Education Commissioner Tony Bennett will update State Board of Education members today on Florida’s progress toward meeting 2014 deadlines for new standards and testing. Lawmakers have said they are concerned Florida schools won’t have Internet infrastructure or computer equipment ready for the testing, scheduled to begin in the spring of 2015. Bennett has also said […]

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