
Putting Education Reform To The Test


Stories about students and the initiatives designed to improve performance. Are the many education reforms Florida has adopted having an impact?

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Why One Principal Thinks The Common Core Is Part Of An Equitable Education

Florida schools have just one more academic year to phase in a new set of education standards under the Common Core—and Principal Angela Maxey is ready. “I’m truly a proponent for standards-based Common Core education. I’m passionate,” says Maxey, who works at Sallye B. Mathis Elementary School in Duval County. Her school is a math, […]

Why An Educator Is Worried Common Standards Might Squeeze Out Science

State leaders should not overlook improving science lessons while schools prepare for new English, literacy and math standards, according to a Florida State University physics professor. Paul Cottle said the state is unlikely to bolster science standards if schools are struggling with the Common Core State Standards scheduled to take effect in the fall of […]

Hotel Pulls Plug On Orlando Common Core Protest

An Orlando hotel has canceled the reservations of a national political advocacy group which planned to train activists to oppose new education standards, according to The Blaze website. The training session by Washington, D.C.-based FreedomWorks was tied to a rally protesting a national conference on Common Core State Standards. The two events were scheduled for […]

The Other Things Florida Schools Should Do To Prepare Grads For College

New education standards adopted by Florida and 44 other states alone won’t be enough to ensure high school graduates are ready for college, according to a new policy brief from the Florida College Access Network. State and education leaders will also need to provide help outside the classroom, such as bolstering school college and career […]

Visit Sarasota County’s Classrooms Of Tomorrow

We recently told you about the high-tech math and science classrooms in Sarasota County. That story was this week’s StateImpact Florida feature on state public radio stations. Listen to the story and check out some of the photos of actress Mayim Bialik working on algebra problems and science experiments with students.

Summer Camps Teach STEM Skills To Kids In Foster Homes

Hundreds of kids in foster care are working on science, technology, engineering and math — otherwise known as STEM — projects this summer. The projects are part of the Florida Department of Children and Families Camps for Champions. “Many foster children don’t have the same opportunities to travel and learn new activities like their peers […]

Report: Florida Test Gains Among Nation’s Best Since 2003

Florida students had some of the nation’s largest gains between 2003 and 2011 on a key national standardized test, according to a new analysis by Education Sector, a nonpartisan policy research group. The analysis tracked fourth and eighth grade math and reading scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, considered the model test for […]

What We Mean When We Talk About Florida’s Digital Divide

It’s finals week at Park Vista Community High School and a small group of students buzzes over an assembly line of used Dell computers that lie cracked open with all their electronic guts exposed. “Right now it’s kind of messy,” says Park Vista junior Jonathan Stabio. “But essentially what we do is take a computer […]

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