
Putting Education Reform To The Test


Stories about students and the initiatives designed to improve performance. Are the many education reforms Florida has adopted having an impact?

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Why Florida Educators Want To Change Arts Accountability In Schools

When Allison Rojas looks at a painting by Alice Neel, the high school junior sees more than a seated woman in a purple sari. “She uses very bold lines as you can see,” says Rojas. “Very fleshy paintings.” Rojas has an eye that’s been trained in fine arts classes at Miami’s Design and Architecture Senior […]

Florida High School Graduation Rates Continue to Rise

Florida’s high school graduation rate increased for the seventh consecutive year, according to new data from the Florida Department of Education. The percentage of students earning a high school diploma increased to 75.6 percent during the 2012-2013 school year, up from 74.5 percent the previous year. Graduation rates improved for every racial subgroup, except Asian-Americans, […]

Try Some Sample Items From The New GED

Earlier this week we told you how students and teachers at one adult education center were preparing for changes to the GED high school equivalency exam. GED Testing Service has posted some sample items from the new exam online to give an idea what the new test will look like. The test is moving online, […]

Why The GED Is Going Online

One of the big changes with the new GED test come January will be that the exam is going online. Students will no longer have a pencil and paper option and will have to take the exam on a computer. GED Testing Services vice president Nicole Chestang said online exams offer a lot of benefits […]

Changing GED Adds New Problems To An Old Test

Uzelea Evans has had a tough run recently. Her unemployment payments have been hung up for six weeks because of the state’s new online system. And the mother to two lost her Tampa housing and has to move out next month. But she’s working hard toward some good news in a classroom at Metropolitan Ministries […]

Florida Students Struggle On International Exam

The latest U.S. results on an international math, science and reading test are ‘sobering,’ experts said, and show the average U.S. student continues to lose ground against those around the globe. Overall, the U.S. finished 17th in reading, 21st in science and 26th in math. That’s largely because U.S. scores were flat while other countries […]

What To Know About Tomorrow’s International Test Results

Tomorrow marks the latest round of international education testing results, this time for the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA. PISA is a test given every three years to a sample of about 500,000 15-year-old students in 60 countries. Those students represents about 90 percent of the world’s economy, according to the Organization for […]

In Immokalee, Parents Promise To Speak Spanish With Their Children

To get into Florida colleges and universities, you have to have studied—or be able to speak—a second language. But Florida students don’t have to take foreign language classes to graduate from high school. So in a part of the state where most families already speak a second language, Immokalee Community School is leaning on parents […]

Something To Be Thankful For: Students Use Class Lessons To Design Space For Homeless

By Wilson Sayre, WLRN In observation of Homeless Awareness Week, students at Design and Architecture Senior High (DASH) have created models of possible living solutions for the homeless. Each student in Eric Hankin’s architecture class designed a small apartment plan that had to include all the necessities of a regular apartment. The students presented their […]

States Asking Feds For Leeway On Teacher Evaluations And Testing

States granted exemptions from the federal No Child Left Behind law are asking for more time to get ready for new teacher evaluation rules and to not have to test students twice on both new standards and outgoing standards, according to Education Week. A dozen states have asked for more time to prepare for new […]

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