Education is big business. These are stories about the politicians, businesses, lobbyists and other leaders seeking to impact education decisions.
Education is big business. These are stories about the politicians, businesses, lobbyists and other leaders seeking to impact education decisions.
Some educators have always been skeptical of standardized testing. But in Florida, educators got another reason to question the accuracy of our test after the Florida Board of Education lowered the passing score of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test writing exam so more students would pass it. A former employee with Pearson, the company that […]
The new Florida Polytechnic University (FPU) is popular. After an onslaught of applications, the deadline has been extended for anyone hoping to be on FPU’s Board of Trustees. 39 applications were received by yesterday’s deadline.
The grades are in, and 17 Florida lawmakers were named to the honor roll on the Foundation for Florida’s Future 2012 report card. The foundation was started by former Gov. Jeb Bush, and graded lawmakers based on their votes for a handful of bills. The group supports raising standards for students, holding teachers and schools […]
Polk County business leaders are so excited about the new Florida Polytechnic University (FPU), they held a news conference this morning to announce their support. It was part of a rally at the United Way of Central Florida in Lakeland. More than 60 community and business leaders have formed Florida Poly Vision, Inc. to show […]
Last summer, a multi-state legislative group was meeting in New Orleans to hammer out a list of education priorities. The group, the American Legislative Exchange Council, includes both lawmakers and corporate members who favor limited government and free market policies. On their agenda in New Orleans was a resolution opposing the still-developing Common Core national […]
A judge in Tallahassee is hearing a legal challenge to a state rule regarding teacher evaluations and merit pay. The Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill 736 last year, known as the “Student Success Act.” It sets standards for teacher evaluations and pay based on performance. Once the law went into effect last summer, state education […]
Indiana education superintendent Tony Bennett was new to office and looking to make dramatic changes to his state’s schools. The biggest? Require third graders pass a state reading test or get held back. But the state lawmakers were hesitant. So Bennett and Gov. Mitch Daniels, both Republican, called in some help: Former Florida Gov. Jeb […]
A new poll finds Latino voters are more concerned about education than immigration. The survey looked at five battleground states in the upcoming presidential election, including Florida. While jobs and the economy are at the top of their list, Latino voters are clearly concerned about improving K-12 education. A press release from the American Federation […]
Presumed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney rolled out his education plan Wednesday in Washington, D.C.: More school choice options; reward high-performing charter schools and help them expand; require easy-to-read school report cards. Stop us if you’ve heard this story before. And if Romney’s influences were still a bit cloudy, he made them explicit in his […]
It’s true. Florida is getting another education task force, or in this case, a commission. The Commission on Florida Higher Education Access and Degree Attainment is born. It’s a product of the university system’s Board of Governors (BOG) and not to be confused with other current or soon to be created task forces. In all […]
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