
Putting Education Reform To The Test

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Federal Fiscal Deal Includes Tax Breaks For College

Lawmakers extended college tax breaks in the federal fiscal deal struck late Tuesday, but punted on long-term spending decisions such as federal education funding and financial aid programs, such as Pell Grants for low-income students. The New America Foundation’s Ed Money Watch blog has a nice breakdown of what was included in the so-called “fiscal […]

What Paul Ryan’s Budget Would Mean For College Aid And Schools

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has chosen U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate. And with Ryan will come plenty of debate about his federal budget proposal. So it’s worth revisiting a piece we wrote in April, looking at how Democrats were working to politicize cuts to federal college aid included […]

Why It’s Harder for College Students to Get Financial Aid This Summer

College students  who need to go to summer school have few choices for grants and scholarships. And their options just shrank. The federal government is no longer giving out a need-based Pell Grant to help students pay for summer tuition. And the replacement is more loans. Senior Courtney Johnson has taken summer courses at Florida International […]

Mack: Floridians More Concerned About Jobs Than Student Loans

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy   Florida Republican U.S. Senate candidate Connie Mack downplayed the importance of student loan interest rates during an interview with MSNBC this morning. President Barack Obama and Democrats are trying to make rising college debt a campaign issue, including student loan rates and […]

Explaining How Democrats Want To Make College Financial Aid An Election Issue

You know Democrats and their allies plan to use  cuts to Medicare included in the U.S. House budget against presumed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and any other member of the GOP running for office this fall. At a press conference in Tampa Thursday, Democrats ran out another line of attack on what the House […]

Congressional Debt Deal or Not, Education Cuts Are Likely

Our friends at StateImpact Indiana have taken a look at the educational consequences if the Congressional Supercommittee fails to strike a deal by Nov. 23. The headline? Low-income Title I schools could lose $1.1 billion. Other automatic cuts would include financial aid and career and technical education for adults. If a debt deal is struck, […]

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