Susquehanna County Residents Weigh In On Pipeline Route
Scott Detrow
Cabot Oil and Gas is considering building a new 200-mile pipeline to transport natural gas from Pennsylvania to Boston and New York. As the Times-Tribune reports, the company held a public meeting in Susquehanna County this week, to discuss the pipeline’s route:
NEW MILFORD – With some ready to embrace it and others wanting to avoid it, the proposed $750 million Constitution Pipeline was unveiled to Susquehanna County residents Tuesday night.
Officials with the project, a joint venture between Cabot Oil & Gas and Williams Partners, sought feedback from the community before picking a route, signing easement agreements and asking regulators to review it.
The proposed routes, about 22.7 miles of which will be in Susquehanna County, just missed the property of retired schoolteacher Marvin VanCott of New Milford. Like many of the 125 people who came to the meeting, he pored over aerial maps looking for his property.