NYT: Romney Once Saw Benefit Of Higher Gas Prices
Scott Detrow

Scott Detrow / StateImpact Pennsylvania
Mitt Romney campaigns in Wyoming County
Yesterday, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney blasted President Obama’s energy policies during a campaign appearance in Wyoming County.
The ever-increasing cost of gasoline has become a regular part of Romney’s stump speech. But as the New York Times reported earlier this week, the former Massachusetts governor used to have more nuanced views on energy policy and gas prices:
In his 2010 book, “No Apology,” Mr. Romney described a gradual increase in the cost of energy as the kind of market-based incentive that conservatives could embrace.
While not suggesting particular policies that might lead to higher prices — like an increase in the gas tax, a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade plan — Mr. Romney praised the benefits that would flow from a slowly increasing cost of energy.
“Higher energy prices would encourage energy efficiency across the full array of American businesses and citizens,” Mr. Romney wrote. “It would provide industries of all kinds with a predictable outlook for energy costs, allowing them to confidently invest in growth.”