New York Shale Commission Holds First Meeting | StateImpact Pennsylvania Skip Navigation

New York Shale Commission Holds First Meeting

  • Scott Detrow

Checking in on our neighbors to the north… New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation has commissioned an advisory panel to take a look at natural gas drilling issues.
Unlike Governor Corbett’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission, the New York committee is meeting in private.

Innovation Trail reports:

As New York wrestles with how to regulate gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale, the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is bringing together people from both sides of the hydrofracking debate.
Sounds like things could get pretty heated, right? Wanna take a look inside?
Too bad, the public’s not invited.
The new 17-member advisory panel met with the DEC for the first time yesterday. It’s made up of gas industry representatives, environmentalists, and local government officials.
They’re charged with making sure that state and local governments have enough resources to handle everything that comes along with the controversial drilling technique, from regulations and permits, to roads an infrastructure.
The panel will convene over the next few months, and its recommendations are expected by early November. However, all of those recommendations will need legislative approval.
Robert Moore is the executive director of Environmental Advocates of New York and one of the panel members. He  believes it will be a daunting task to make sure drilling is done right.

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