Exploring the policies and politics that help or stand in the way of job creation.
Exploring the policies and politics that help or stand in the way of job creation.
Buy Idaho launched in 1986, with support from then newly elected Lieutenant Governor Butch Otter, as a way to market Idaho-made products. The member driven marketing cooperative celebrated its 25th anniversary this week. Governor Otter calls the 1,100 member Buy Idaho effort a “great success”. Still, he told attendees at Buy Idaho’s annual conference the […]
As this article and others have explained in recent days, many states are struggling to repay the federal government for loans it made to help cover unemployment benefits as joblessness surged during the recession. “More than 30 states have had to borrow billions from a federal fund to cover unemployment benefits for their jobless residents […]
According to a White House estimate, here’s how President Obama’s ‘American Jobs Act’ would affect Idaho’s economy: • $160 million would prevent or reverse layoffs of about 2,500 teachers, police officers and firefighters. • $190 million for highway and transit modernization projects could support at least 2,500 jobs. • $94 million would upgrade schools, supporting […]
StateImpact Idaho is your source for statewide economic coverage. It’s a new collaboration between Boise State Public Radio and NPR with emphasis on in-depth economic reporting. We’re excited about what we have planned over the next few months. Here’s a sneak peek: Where is Idaho’s economy today? We keeping hearing the words “economic recovery” but […]
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