Exploring the policies and politics that help or stand in the way of job creation.
Exploring the policies and politics that help or stand in the way of job creation.
The Idaho Department of Commerce has named Gynii Gilliam as its new chief economic development officer. Here’s the press release from the Department: Gilliam will lead the agency’s economic development team and will be responsible for creating economic growth, across all industry sectors, for the state of Idaho. “Ms. Gilliam will be an excellent addition […]
We’ll be at the Boise Centre tomorrow (8:30-3:15) liveblogging the Associated Taxpayers of Idaho’s 65th annual conference. This year’s theme: “Niching Idaho in Uncertain Economic Times.” Here’s the schedule of events: 8:45 Federal Tax Policy Update, potential impacts on states; Mark Robyn, Economist, The Tax Foundation 9:30 State Legislative Budget Update; Cathy Holland-Smith, Legislative Budget […]
As you’ve probably heard by now, the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction’s negotiations failed this week. Dubbed the supercommittee, it was charged with finding at least $1.2 trillion in debt savings over the next decade. Now the political finger-pointing is well underway. One of the people being blamed for the supercommittee’s failure (often by […]
On the heels of the bipartisan supercommittee’s announcement that it failed to reach an agreement to cut $1.2 trillion in federal spending, Idaho’s governor decided to weigh in. Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter’s opinion piece, with the headline “Leaner, More Focused Government Must Be Our New Normal”, has already appeared in Roll Call and has been distributed […]
StateImpact Idaho is beginning to look at the effects of the $34 million Medicaid cut that the Idaho Legislature passed last session. Related to that, a new report from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) tallies the state-by-state changes in general fund appropriations for state mental health agencies since 2009. According to the report, […]
Idaho’s Department of Labor Director, with support of the Governor, is urging Congress to let federal unemployment benefits expire on December 31. That news broke at the beginning of November. Now, new estimates released this week by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office suggest increasing benefits for the unemployed could be the best policy for short-term […]
Through a series of laws, the federal government has offered an additional safety net for workers who have been laid off. Extended unemployment benefit programs are in addition to individual state programs. In Idaho, someone who is laid off from their job — through no fault of their own — can qualify for up to […]
Laid-off workers in Idaho can collect up to 26 weeks of state unemployment insurance benefits. Here are some of the requirements needed in order to qualify for receiving benefit payments: You must be totally or partially unemployed through no fault of your own (if you’re fired or quit, you can’t qualify for benefits). Be a […]
Last week, the head of Idaho’s Labor Department encouraged state and federal lawmakers to vote against any further extensions of federal unemployment insurance benefits. Director Roger Madsen said he considers unemployment insurance to be one of this country’s most successful social programs, but believes extensions hold back business growth. You can read Madsen’s letter here. We […]
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