Corbett's Impact Fee May Not Generate Money Until 2013
Scott Detrow
Well, this could throw a wrinkle in things….
An article in today’s Post-Gazette points out Governor Corbett’s proposed natural gas drilling impact fee may not generate any revenue until 2013.
Under the current version of the plan, they would have to pass their fee-related rules by March 1 in order to collect money next year.
With legislation still being negotiated, that gives little time for counties to enact their ordinances.
Unless that spring collection date is changed, counties might not be able to receive shale fee revenues until 2013.
“Obviously [the] timing of passage of legislation and accompanying ordinances affect this,” [Corbett’s energy executive, Patrick] Henderson said.
That timeline could potentially require local officials seeking additional funds to wait another year for new revenue, compared to current plans from Senate President Pro Tem Joe Scarnati and others that would begin distributing dollars early next year.
Want to know how much money your county would receive, under Corbett’s plan? Check out StateImpact’s interactive map.