StateImpact reporters in six states produce radio reports, digital news reports and interactive multimedia presentations. Each state focuses on one of three topics:

If you want to know what we cover and why, dive into the stories below:



13th Grade: How Florida Schools Are Failing To Prepare Graduates For College

A huge number of Florida college students need to take remedial classes. In the “13th Grade” series, StateImpact examined the many causes of this failure in K-12 education and what can be done to fix it. The series was a collaboration with the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting.

A Parent’s Guide To How New Common Core Tests Are Different From FCAT

Standardized tests are on the cusp of a big change in Florida and most other states. In this explainer video, we show how the new tests are different from the old ones and why it matters.

Why Florida Schools Want The Right To Paddle Misbehaving Students

StateImpact covers policy, but that doesn’t mean it’s all about budgets and tax rates. Sometimes policy can be as personal as whether your state allows schools to paddle students without parents’ permission. Read the latest news from StateImpact Florida.


After A School’s Closure, Parents Make New School Choice: Start Over

StateImpact’s best work combines audio with great photos and insightful analysis. This story looks at an unusual school founded by parents and educators after their charter school was shut down for poor academic performance.

Indiana Vouchers Cover Students Whose Parents Could Pay On Their Own

As part of our focus on accountability, reporters often scrutinize how taxpayer money is being used in a time of tight state budgets.

After Lawmakers Pause Common Core Implementation, Teachers Ask What’s Next

The rollout of new academic standards known as the Common Core has been especially controversial in Indiana. StateImpact reporters aim to “own” stories like this, always with the purpose of explaining complex policy choices to the people they affect: teachers, parents and students.
Read the latest news from StateImpact Indiana.


Locked Away: How Ohio Schools Misuse Seclusion Rooms

This StateImpact collaboration with the Columbus Dispatch used public records requests to expose how schools use and misuse rooms for isolating students who behave badly. The story was picked up by the Associated Press and outlets around the country. It also inspired an editorial in the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Grading the Teachers: How Ohio is Measuring Teacher Quality by the Numbers

In this series, StateImpact examined the controversial new method Ohio is using to assess teacher performance. Using sophisticated data analysis but simple visualization tools, our reporters gave readers a new view into what’s going on in Ohio classrooms. The series was a collaboration with the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Meet Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s Chosen Teacher

StateImpact reporters use social media not just as a distribution tool. In Ohio, they convene weekly conversations on Twitter at #ohedchat. And they use social media as a reporting tool, as seen in this profile of a governor’s liaison to the state’s teachers. Read the latest news from StateImpact Ohio.



Shale Play: Natural Gas Drilling In Pennsylvania

Before this interactive data presentation went live, it was difficult for Pennsylvania residents to know the exact locations of gas wells near them and whether those wells had violated state regulations. Shale Play is one of the reasons the StateImpact Pennsylvania website won an Edward R. Murrow award.

BoomTown: How Drilling Has Changed Towanda, Pennsylvania

This audio slideshow takes viewers into the life of a small town where economic and social life has changed dramatically since natural gas drilling came along.

Dimock: A Town Divided

Understanding the impact of policy on communities yields stories like this one – where friendships have been lost over the effects of natural gas drilling. Read the latest news from StateImpact Pennsylvania.


Dried Out: Confronting The Texas Drought

Powerful graphics and images of Texas’ historic drought serve as an introduction to an explanation of some difficult policy choices that Texas will have to make in the future.

Is It Legal To Kill Bigfoot In Texas?

An amusing story gets at a serious problem – invasive species – and how state policy is working to deal with the problem.

Review of Fracking Study Finds Failure to Disclose Conflict of Interest

When questions arose about a University of Texas researcher’s ties to industry, StateImpact owned the story. Read the latest news from StateImpact Texas.



Why Oklahoma’s Priority is Storm Shelters for Individuals, Not Safe Rooms for Schools

StateImpact reporters compare decisions leaders in their states have made with those of other states. Here, we show how a 1999 storm produced different policy responses in Oklahoma and Kansas when it comes to building tornado shelters.

Exploring the Link Between Earthquakes and Oil and Gas Disposal Wells

Oklahoma is seeing a massive spike in seismic activity. Here, StateImpact explains the research linking earthquakes to the use of disposal wells, employing graphs, maps and a whiteboard video.

Water Fight: Explaining Tarrant Regional Water District v. Herrmann

When a water-rights dispute between Oklahoma and Texas went to the U.S. Supreme Court, StateImpact produced this detailed infographic to explain what the fight was all about. Read the latest news from StateImpact Oklahoma.