Search results for 'feedback loop'



Feedback Loop: What Readers Think Of Common Core Standards

All week we’ve been posting answers from teachers to three questions about the Common Core State Standards (Part 1 is here, part 2 is here, part 3 is here and a superintendent is here). One criticism we’ve received from readers is that no teacher is going to bash the standards or training they received if […]

Feedback Loop: More About Math Edcuation

Yesterday we wrote about a National Center on Education and the Economy study which argued students were learning a lot of math they won’t end up using in their career. And schools were not spending enough time on more fundamental concepts in elementary and middle school which were more likely to be used by workers. […]

Feedback Loop: Remedial Response

This week we started our series in partnership with the Florida Center for Investigative Journalism looking at why so many students in the Florida College System require remedial classes before they can start on their degree. The classes cost money, students receive no credit and they lengthen the time it takes to earn a degree. […]

Feedback Loop: Autistic Student, Or Student With Autism?

Our story about Henry Frost’s efforts to enroll in his neighborhood school also sparked a discussion about language. Dean McIntosh criticized our describing Frost as a “student with autism.” The debate is over what’s known as “people first” language — that is emphasizing the person over the diagnosis. But McIntosh says you can’t separate autism […]

Feedback Loop: In Defense of K12

Readers came to the defense of K12 after our series of stories this week looking at the nation’s largest online educator. The Florida Department of Education’s Office of Inspector General is investigating the company after Seminole County schools turned over evidence that the company was using improperly certified teachers and asking teachers to sign off […]

Feedback Loop: Breaking The Cell Phone Addiction

Last week we told you about the giant temptation facing Florida students: Itchy texting fingers. Many teachers and principals grew up without the devices. But those who have lived their whole lives plugged in say they think about Facebook constantly. Students don’t like to be cut off from their phones during class. A researcher argues […]

Feedback Loop: Sounding Off About Bullies

This week’s story about a pair of brothers who felt bullied in their schools sounded familiar to a few StateImpact Florida readers. Parents said they had pulled their children from school because of a threat or fear of bullying. Adults said the story took them right back to school hallways where they were treated similarly […]

Feedback Loop: Talking About Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney

This week we told you about former Gov. Jeb Bush’s national education role, and how many of the policies he’s taking to other states got their start in Florida thanks to a well-maintained political network. We also told you that Bush’s ideas are seeing some resistance from Floridians. Readers took to the debate. Standardized tests […]