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Search results for 'feedback loop'
Feedback Loop: Anthropology 101
Our story last week looking at Bureau of Labor Statistics data in the wake of Gov. Rick Scott’s criticism of anthropology majors generated more conversation than anything else we’ve done at StateImpact Florida. Anthromajor, expressing the majority opinion, said the skills learned are not the domain of tweedy eggheads and translate to business: I am […]
Feedback Loop: Charter Schools, Higher Ed Salaries and College Tuition
Our continuing charter school series, higher education salaries and a lawsuit over college tuition drove the comments this week. Disallusionedinmiami agreed that school boards should get tough on new charter school applications. Do not stop charter schools, but question and ask for the highest degree of accountability. Some charter schools are only there is make […]
Feedback Loop: What’s on Your Mind About Academy of Arts and Minds
Sarah Gonzalez‘ story Wednesday about the business deals of a Miami-area charter school drew strong reader responses. Intelligentmom came to the school’s defense, arguing students were left without books due to surprising enrollment growth. Academy of Arts and Minds students are prospering: The Academy of Arts & Minds is an A+ school with a 98 […]
Feedback Loop: What You Want to Know About Charter Schools
Our ongoing series on charter schools prompted some reader questions this week. Keep the questions coming — we’ll answer them in future posts. SheilaY wanted to know more about how charter schools select their students: Do the requirements differ from school to school? When comparing charter schools to public schools, these questions need to be […]
Feedback Loop: Broward Gets Low Marks for School Supply Extra Credit
Sarah Gonzalez‘ story about Broward County students earning extra credit for purchasing school supplies elicited strong reactions on the StateImpact Florida blog this week. Bombeck strongly disagreed with the extra credit, which is not a district policy: So now they’re teaching students how to buy grades. Very nice. I can see offering some small extra […]
Feedback Loop: Readers on Pearson, the 2012 Field and Education, and Teacher Salaries
Reader feedback is an important part of building StateImpact Florida’s education coverage. Feedback Loop will be a regular feature highlighting your questions, criticisms and comments. Here’s what you said about our reporting this week. Reader Catherine saw our blog post about testing giant Pearson’s tendrils throughout the growing education business. Catherine questioned the relationship: I […]
New Thoughts And Old Thoughts On Florida Education From Indiana Superintendent Tony Bennett
Next week the State Board of Education will interview finalists to become the next Florida education commissioner. Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Bennett, who lost his reelection bid, is one of three finalists and thought the front-runner for the post because of his ties to former Gov. Jeb Bush. Bennett says his sense of […]
The 34 Miami Schools Where Students Walked Out for Trayvon Martin
Thousands of middle and high school students walked out of 34 Miami schools this week to protest the death of Miami Gardens teen, Trayvon Martin. We’ve got the full list of every school with a walkout from the Miami-Dade school district. And you can find all our coverage on how Trayvon Martin has impacted Florida […]
Researchers Defend Study Concluding Teachers Are Overpaid
Remember that study from two conservative think tanks that argued teachers were overpaid by 50 percent? The study concluded that taxpayers were “overcharged” by $120 billion each year. That’s the difference between what teachers are paid in salary and benefits and what they would earn in a comparable private sector job. U.S. Secretary of Education […]