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Search results for 'feedback loop'
Feedback Loop: Parents Say Their Kids Are Fed Up With FCAT
As parents of 3rd graders grapple with the release of FCAT reading results — an additional 4,000 students are at risk of being held back — parents of students in other grades know how will it affect their kids. Many, such as Maldebot, wrote to say their children were discouraged. What can I do ? […]
Feedback Loop: Writing About Reading Requirements
Students will find out in June if they’ll be required to take an extra hour of reading instruction next school year because of low Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. But we didn’t have to wait long to get your reaction to the new law. Jose likes the idea, citing the benefits of additional class time in […]
Feedback Loop: The Hare And The Pineapple
Monday’s post about New York’s education department officials throwing out the now-infamous “The Hare and the Pineapple” section of its statewide reading was a lesson in reading comprehension itself. Readers disagreed on whether the section of the test was fair or not. Alejandro Roggio thought the passage and questions were fine:
Feedback Loop: FCAT Not Blinding Them With Science
Earlier this week we wrote about “Happy Scientist” blogger Robert Krampf, who criticized some of the questions, answers and background material on practice materials for the FCAT science test. Krampf argued the test presented one multiple choice answer as correct, when a number of the answers were scientifically correct. Krampf took his concerns to the […]
Feedback Loop: Responding To Critics About Professor Pay
Earlier this week we reported on professor salary data compiled by the Chronicle of Higher Education. That data showed that a pair of University of South Florida branch campuses pay higher average salaries than the main Tampa campus. The data also showed that the University of Miami reported the highest average professor pay in the […]
Feedback Loop: What To Do About Bullying
We’ve talked about bullying several times this week. As the movie “Bully” opens in theatres, students in South Florida are sharing their own painful experiences. We also heard about the suicide of a teenager who classmates say was a victim of bullying and harassment at school. The New Jersey teen was a family friend of […]
Feedback Loop: Talking About The Value Of A College Degree
Earlier this week we wrote about a Lumina Foundation study that showed Florida was not producing enough college graduates to meet the projected job market needs by 2018. The report warns that those without college education will likely find it more difficult to find work. Readers chimed in, with many noting that a college degree […]
Feedback Loop: Reaction To Trayvon Martin
The nation is talking about the death of Trayvon Martin in a gated Florida community Feb. 26, and that discussion included StateImpact Florida as well. Many of the comments to our coverage this week dealt with Martin’s suspension from school at the time he was shot by a volunteer neighborhood watch leader. Some readers have […]
Feedback Loop: The Lords Of Discipline Edition
Sarah Gonzalez’ stories this week about corporal punishment in Florida schools sparked plenty of interest after they were picked up by NPR, The Huffington Post and a number of parenting and legal blogs. ABC News posted their own story today. If you missed any of Sarah’s coverage, check it out below. Why Florida Schools Want […]
Feedback Loop: Bill Gates And Florida’s Teacher Evaluations
Last week’s story on Florida’s teacher evaluation formula drew some thoughtful responses, including a deeper at the issues look over on the Shanker Blog. Many of the comments here expressed disbelief that Florida’s formula could measure what was promised. Floridagadfly says teaching can not be boiled down to a statistical model because students are not […]