This Week’s Essential StateImpact

Billy Lindblom / Flickr

These are the posts you lighted on this week

Good afternoon!  As usual, we’ve got this week’s roundup of our top five posts.  This week, they spanned a number of economic themes:

  1. How State Budget Cuts Hit Nursing For Sick Kids: NHPR’s Dan Gorenstein takes us inside the state’s process of evaluating how much Medicaid-funded nursing assistance New Hampshire’s most disabled kids get.
  2. Charting NH’s Incredible Shrinking Government: Over the course of two fiscal years, the state shed more than 4,200 full- and part-time government jobs.  We use state numbers to chart the changes and break down key points in the data.
  3. Why A Business Magazine Named SNHU One Of World’s Most Innovative Companies: One of our most popular posts over the past several weeks, we look at why Fast Company put SNHU’s innovations up with companies like Google, Twitter, and Facebook.
  4. Why Gen Y’s (Slowly) Reconsidering Factory Work: Our slideshow tells the stories of why, after years of hearing about manufacturing’s decline, some students at Nashua Community College decided to put their faith in this resurgent sector.
  5. Nine Essential Takeaways From The Fed’s Report On Foreclosure Prevention: We call this one “an oldie, but a goodie.”  One of our most popular posts ever, we take a closer look at the states that are–and aren’t–effectively keeping people in their homes.


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