This Week’s Essential StateImpact

Simon Brown / Flickr

We've got the five stories that caught your eye

Happy Friday!  As always, we’d like to celebrate the end of the work week by bringing you up to speed with our most popular posts:

  1. How Apps Are Keeping Ski Areas Honest: A pair of Dartmouth researchers take on tales of ski resorts exaggerating snowfall…and find that apps are helping to curb fibbing.
  2. How Landowners And Towns Are Blocking A New Route For Northern Pass:  Using coverage from both the Concord Monitor and the Union-Leader, we give you a picture of another front in some North Country residents’ resistance against Northern Pass.
  3. Gen Y Struggles With Declining Wages: We offer highlights from a Wall Street Journal article noting that over the past decade, college graduates have seen increasing downward pressure on their pay scales.
  4. Why Gen Y’s (Slowly) Reconsidering Factory Work: As part of our series examining New Hampshire’s changing manufacturing economy, we visited the machine shop at Nashua Community College.  Younger Americans are better known for their digital savvy than their zeal for manual labor, as evidenced by the hundreds of thousands of open factory jobs in the US.  We talked with NCC machining students about why they’re putting their faith in manufacturing, and gathered their responses in a slideshow.
  5. Why A Business Magazine Named SNHU One Of World’s Most Innovative Companies: We were surprised when Fast Company ranked non-profit Southern New Hampshire University surprisingly close to Google and Twitter on the innovation scale.  So we just had to take a closer look.


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