
Putting Education Reform To The Test

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Florida Matters: The End Of Remedial College Classes

Half of Florida students who take the state’s college placement exam end up failing at least one section. In the past, those students would have brush up in remedial reading, writing or math courses before starting their college degree. But a new Florida law will allow most recent high school graduates to skip those remedial […]

How Florida College Majors Are About To Get Meta

College students trying to decide which major and minor to choose have something else to add to the list — meta-majors. The same law which (mostly) eliminates remedial courses at Florida community colleges also creates meta-majors to help streamline the path to a degree. What the heck is a meta-major? In short, they’re eight broad […]

More Pressure On Advisers As Florida Colleges Eliminate Remedial Courses

The average adviser at Hillsborough Community College is responsible for 1,500 students. Thanks to a new law eliminating most remedial reading, writing and math courses at Florida community colleges, those advisers need to touch base with every new and returning student before the spring semester starts. Advisers and other support staff guide students as they […]

How Hillsborough Community College Is Advising Students About Remedial Classes

Most students at Florida’s community colleges now have a choice about whether they want to take the state’s college placement test and any remedial reading, writing and math courses they might require. The law takes effect this spring — and students are registering for classes right now. As a result, colleges have to check in […]

Read Florida’s New Law Making Remedial College Courses Voluntary

Many students who enroll in Florida community colleges will no longer have to take remedial reading, writing and math courses starting this spring. That’s because Florida lawmakers approved a law (SB 1720) which makes the courses and placement test voluntary for many students. Remedial courses force students to pay for refresher classes before starting on […]

Why Remedial Classes Are No Longer Required At Florida Colleges

Khadejah Gilbert found out she wasn’t quite ready for higher education when she enrolled in Hillsborough Community College. She’s one of many students who had to take brush up in basic subjects before starting her associate of arts degree in liberal arts. The classes cost money, but don’t come with any credit “I took prep […]

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