
Putting Education Reform To The Test

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Now Playing: This American Life On “Soft Skill” Education

StateImpact Florida hit the road for Orlando this week, and so we packed a few podcasts for the trip. We highly recommend a fascinating piece by This American Life that takes a look at the growing body of research about “non-cognitive skills,” such as resilience, tenacity and self-control. Research shows that the stress from living […]

Tuition Hikes Have Not Replaced State Cuts, Report Says

Tuition hikes at Florida universities have not made up for state budget cuts since 2007, according to an analysis by the Florida Center for Fiscal and Economic Policy. That’s because budget cuts mean the state is spending roughly the same amount on higher education now as it did in 2002 — and that’s before the […]

Better Handwriting Means Better Grades, Researcher Says

Want your child to do better in math or be a stronger reader? Have them write out your weekly shopping list. That’s according to research by Florida International University professor Laura Dinehart. Dinehart studied more than 3,000 four-year-olds in Miami-Dade County. Those who received better grades on fine motor skill tasks, such as writing, also […]

Teachers Earn Too Much, Study Argues

Teachers, did you know you are overpaid by 52%? That’s the conclusion of a new study by conservative-leaning think tanks The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. Taxpayers, they conclude, are “overcharged” $120 billion each year from the difference in teacher salaries and compensation compared to similarly credentialed private sector workers. Teacher benefits are […]

Gov. Scott’s Letter to Universities

We told you this morning that Gov. Rick Scott had sent a letter to state universities asking a series of questions in an effort to gauge their performance. The letter is part of Scott’s larger push to reevaluate the way state universities operate. Here’s a copy of the letter he sent to the University of […]

The Connection Between Handwriting and Reading

Sometimes it’s best to do things old school. That’s a conclusion one could draw from an Indiana University study on the importance of teaching handwriting over keyboard skills, according to a story from our friends at StateImpact Indiana. IU psychology professor Karin James says research shows letter writing activates portions of the brain critical to […]

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